TESTIMONALSHERE IS WHAT ACTORS ARE SAYING ABOUT TIMOTHY O’KEEFE’S WORKSHOPS “Bar-none, yours was the best acting course I’ve ever attended. I learned a dozen new acting techniques, any one of which alone would have been worth the price of admission.” Brad Pearsall ~ Key Biscayne, FL “To say I grew would be an understatement. I expected to pick-up a few tidbits from a veteran like you, I expected to be challenged, I expected to even be entertained…what I didn’t expect was to have a monumental shift that would move my acting forward so many levels in just two days. I probably moved through some “stuff” that could have taken years to unblock.” Melinda Lee ~ Miami “Timothy’s class has helped incredibly to bridge the chasm that exists between acting theory and actually doing it. His workshop connected many of the dots…” Jorge Ferragut ”Timothy O'Keefe removed many of the insecurities, judgments and second guesses that have continuously plagued my auditions. He has the ability to take it to the basic reason we all do this: IT'S FUN!!” Amber Freeman “It's knowledge that can be applied not just in pursuit of a career, but also applied in day-to-day life.” Alex Knight “In my 23 years of being in the business I found this weekend to be the most informative and revealing. Awesome! ( Did I say Awesome!) Yay Awesome!!” David Martinez “I had an audition today and for the first time in a long time I felt comfortable relaxed and in control. Thanks for the training and the self-confidence you gave me.” Tony Centore “The workshop was just what the actor ordered. The on camera time and critiques were so personalized, like a private coach!” Jeff Brown “You took a mental block away from me. You are very specific, honest, professional, direct, human, real, motivator, easy to understand, flexible and sharp... Paulo Pena “Your way of teaching is great and you know how to bring the best out of people and how to make them bring their talent and confidence out…” M.J.POTVIN “The coaching you gave during the monologue segment was mind blowing. It was like getting hit from behind by a train. WOW, was that powerful! ” Karen Aruj “Anyone NOT taking this workshop IS MISSING OUT!!!!! Mr. Timothy O'Keefe Is TRULY a master at what he does!!.” Amanda MacDonald “THANK YOU! WOW!!! I have never been so challenged. I am exhausted. You are amazing...the way that you made me and the others, "color outside the lines".” Paula Orr “Timothy has the ability to assess your strengths and weaknesses with deadly precision. The man is brilliant!” Karelix Alicea For More Information click below Master Acting Coach • Study Camera Acting • Available Workshops • 2009 Schedule • Testimonials Home • Timothy LIVE! • Voiceover • Acting • Coaching • Contact |